Petro-Pass Truck Stop de Winnipeg

CanadaPetro-Pass Truck Stop



🕗 horaire

Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
928, Marion Street, R2J 0K8, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-949-7280
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8815956, Longitude: -97.081058

commentaires 5

  • nothing productions

    nothing productions


    It is a very good place to go

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    Rae Gibson


    It had the cheapest gas of most places listed on Gas Buddies however it's only card lock at night and it was closed when I was there at 9pm. They only sell diesel fuel and it's mostly for truckers as there were a few semis parked in the lot. Better off to try Husky or Domo on Marion which are among the cheapest gas in the city whether it's 5 cents off on Mondays and Thursdays or not. Also 6 cents off on Tuesday for CAA members. If you are in the North West part of the city, Esso on McPhillips will honour the 5 cents off Domo sale each week as they have a sign posted outside.

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    Robert Kincaid


    I like the way it is lay out

  • Jesussaves



    Lots of good fuel there

Lave-Auto la plus proche

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