Petland Prince George de Prince George

CanadaPetland Prince George



🕗 horaire

5910, Southridge Avenue, V2N 7A1, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-964-1002
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 53.8655082, Longitude: -122.783342

commentaires 5

  • Carol Bird

    Carol Bird


    I enjoy seeing all the animals. I know if i'm looking for a surtain product for my pet. I'll find it there

  • Tyler Schofield

    Tyler Schofield


    Best selection and go to in town I'd say for pets.

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    Gwen Marshall


    Has all things you may need for pets.

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    I don't buy much there, but I do take my dog to Ginger, the groomer. She is just great! Not real fancy, and very down to earth. She gets the job done with minimal fuss. My dog HATES having his nails trimmed, which is why I can't do it myself, but Ginger just calmly trims him, and he sits there like an angel. Boggles my mind. If you are looking for a groomer that is sensible and will treat your dog well, this is the place!!

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    Kijana Blaus


    Keep getting fish with camallanus worm ****DO NOT BUY FISH IF YOU DON'T WANT TO WASTE YOUR MONEY AND GO THROUGH HEART BREAK***

Animalerie la plus proche

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