Paper Destiny de Ottawa

CanadaPaper Destiny



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1200 St Laurent Blvd, Ottawa, ON K1K 3B8, Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-741-0101
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.422262, Longitude: -75.638306

commentaires 5

  • alison lacasse

    alison lacasse


    Great shop for beautiful cards, unique wrapping paper, gifts, etc. Every time I'm at the St. Laurent Mall, I make sure to stop in and check out their current stock.

  • en

    Mireille Desmarais


    The Paper Destiny is a lot like The Papery store on Bank Street only this store is a little bigger. Does not have a lot of room for wheelchairs to move around.

  • Andrew Wolgemuth

    Andrew Wolgemuth


    Popped in to look for specialty pens and writing paper and found nothing even remotely close. Despite the name, this is mostly a greeting cards store, with a bit of gift wrap, a few journals, and some assorted decorative knick-knacks. There doesn't seem to me to be any reason to come here unless you want a pricey birthday card, or just to browse a collection of quaint doo-dads.

  • Sandy Su

    Sandy Su


    I've just been in the store once and I had already found myself bored. The store's name is "Paper Destiny" and I had expected that there would be more paper/stationary related items there. Hardly any notebooks, agendas or stationary items and the store has items that did not reflect it's name. I had been in other paper related stores and I had enjoyed my time in there.

  • Steph Boucher

    Steph Boucher


    This is just my own personal opinion. I find the store presents well, but the content is lacking. I couldn't find anything I liked.. Also, half of the cards I buy are French. I couldn't find any at this store.

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