Palki Cuisine of India de Ottawa

CanadaPalki Cuisine of India



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1060, Ogilvie Road, K1J 7P8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-741-9191
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4249044, Longitude: -75.6338232

commentaires 5

  • en

    gary blair


    Food was out of this world staff friendly and attentive. Price good valve

  • en

    Arjun Thottiyil


    The owner is like a family member, awesome staff and most importantly awesome food! A good place for hosting events as well.

  • Olmes Leon

    Olmes Leon


    Exelente food, there is usually the lady owner and she is a very nice person. If you are ok with waiting few minutes, you'll have the best Indian food in Ottawa. If you want fast service then you can go to McDonald's

  • en

    Zybina R


    Very very disappointing. I'm sitting outside this restaurant that says it opens at 5pm for dinner. The door is locked, open sign is off, the place is dark and they are not answering the phone. Not impressed at all. I don't trust them to host an event. Not a very good first impression. Now this may change once I've experienced their service and food.

  • Todd Lyons

    Todd Lyons


    Good, affordable food. Unrushed service. Lovely, large, well-decorated, quiet space during the day. Excellent for large groups. Seems to cater receptions often... and on at least one of my attempted visits they did not open because they were still cleaning from the night before. Still, worth it to visit. Just call before coming.

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