Pacific Gold Buyers de Vancouver

CanadaPacific Gold Buyers



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1130, West Pender Street, V6E 4A4, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-349-7787
site web:
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Latitude: 49.2874882, Longitude: -123.1215989

commentaires 2

  • en

    Glennda Dafoe


    Took a fair bit of old jewelry in and was very satisfied with the service and buying price. They were very personable and I felt very comfortable. I would definitely recommend this company. Awesome!

  • Melanie Humphreys

    Melanie Humphreys


    I would definitely recommend this company to anyone who has decided to get rid of old or broken gold jewelry. My husband was skeptical so he came with me, and afterwards he said he was very impressed. They were punctual with my appointment, explained each and every process as it was happening, did everything in front of me, and when the price was agreed upon, was paid immediately. Very professional, and service with a smile to boot.

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