Ottawa Family Cinema de Ottawa

CanadaOttawa Family Cinema



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710, Broadview Avenue, K2A 2M3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 613-722-8218
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3785952, Longitude: -75.7561042

commentaires 5

  • Sara Kearley

    Sara Kearley


    It isn't top notch service however it is run by volunteers. The movies are second run and they have a decent selection at the concession stand. If you are okay with children making noise while watching a movie, this place is good for you just keep in mind it is different than a regular movie theater.

  • en

    Cara Thornhill


    Good value for a family outing without breaking the bank.

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    Patrice Richer


    Great place to catch a good movie and popcorn cheap. Great for the whole family.

  • Vidsvidz



    Great place to take in family friendly films at an affordable price.

  • Adil Abdulla

    Adil Abdulla


    Tried this out for the first time - facilities, food, and staff are all fine. Only thing that disappointed me was that the "2:00" show didn't start until 2:45 by the time a cartoon and raffle and preshow intermission etc had taken place. Guess it was good for the kids...

Cinéma la plus proche

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