Original New Town Bakery de Vancouver

CanadaOriginal New Town Bakery



🕗 horaire

3484, Cambie Street, V5Z 2W8, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-876-7288
site web: www.originalnewtownbakery.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2542104, Longitude: -123.1150113

commentaires 5

  • en

    Aljan Agamao


    steam buns the best

  • en

    mao carvajal


    This place is a copy cat of the real restaurant in Chinatown and Richmond. Beware! Their names are similar but the taste is way off.

  • j t

    j t


    Don't go here ! not the same product and store as New Town Bakery in Chinatown, Richmond and Surrey. Place is not clean saw a rodent.

  • en



    Friendly service and great food especially their pork asado buns.

  • Ronnie Fuentes

    Ronnie Fuentes


    My kind of steamed buns! Unfortunately, they sell them in packs of six. No singles. I like the chicken bola-bola and the barbecue pork. They're the best!

Boulangerie la plus proche

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