Optical Excellence w Ottawa

KanadaOptical Excellence



🕗 godziny otwarcia

779, Bank Street, K1S 3V5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
kontakt telefon: +1 613-232-8586
strona internetowej: www.opticalexcellence.ca
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.403505, Longitude: -75.688518

komentarze 5

  • en

    HC L


    I got a few pairs of gas permeable contact lenses and a pair of glasses from this store. Bruce, the store owner, is very helpful and friendly. He helped me picked out an unique beautiful frame which I got a lot of compliments. He provided excellent customer service and is very knowledgeable.

  • en

    Linda Jones


    The best selection of truly unique eyewear in Ottawa. I recommend this store to everyone who appreciates design and quality.

  • en

    Paddye Mann


    I am a clothing designer and often recommend clients and friends to visit Optical Excellence when they need frames and lenses. Bruce handcrafts lenses and they are like bespoke clothing - made to fit properly. Today, however, was an over the moon experience. I took a good friend who was having problems with her glasses and needed new ones. The frames chosen by the whole crew at Optical Excellence weren't just lovely - they reflected my friend's personality beautifully. Gorgeous. Her comment a few hours later was, "I don't even feel like I'm wearing glasses!" So, next time you need glasses just ask and trust their advice. You won't regret it. Paddye Mann Paddye Mann Clothing Pakenham, Ontario

  • en

    Betty McGillis


    I had a fantastic experience with Optical Excellence, Bruce and Wendy are amazing at what they do. The shop is beautiful and the selection the best I've seen In Ottawa. We've been going to Optical Excellence for a few years now and gladly refer them to our friends & families.

  • Samuel Shepherd

    Samuel Shepherd


    What an AWESOME store! The staff are great! Bruce is the owner and is always in the store. Bruce is most helpful and caring! Every experience is a positive one and I'll never go anywhere else for my optical needs! Thank you so very much to Bruce and his wonderful staff!

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