Oak Bay Beach Hotel de Victoria

CanadaOak Bay Beach Hotel



🕗 horaire

1175, Beach Drive, V8S 2N2, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-598-4556
site web: oakbaybeachhotel.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4199505, Longitude: -123.2998368

commentaires 5

  • Ian Macdonald

    Ian Macdonald


    The Oak Bay Beach Hotel is in a historic and beautiful setting. The views are worth a million dollars. Accommodation is very elegant and comfortable. Walking paths along the ocean are a must to enjoy during your stay. Dining and conference accommodations are first class. Even if you are not staying here it's a must to check out.

  • Aimée W.

    Aimée W.


    Seriously the best hotel in Victoria. Great for locals trying to get away for the weekend. Pools open until midnight (we went in March). We had a nice relaxing weekend. Highly recommended!

  • en

    Marcia Croy


    I have stayed at this hotel many times and always find the location, the rooms, the staff and the food very good. Although modern it has an old world charm. The location of the swimming pool and 2 hot tubs so close to the ocean is unique.

  • Amritpal Brar

    Amritpal Brar


    Very nice hotel with friendly staff in a quiet area of Victoria. About a 10 minute drive to downtown, but the location is very worth being a bit outside of the city centre. The pool, hot tubs and steam room are relaxing and the spa is nice. Pool is warm so can be used year-round.

  • René Cusson

    René Cusson


    This waterfront hotel is spectacular in all ways. It is attractive, inviting and offers comfort at every turn. Parking is currently free. Food and beverage offerings are likely to exceed your expectations. The staff are a cut above and very attentive. This hotel is well worth considering if you want to stay at an exceptional Victoria hotel... Check it out.

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