Nutella Café by Sobey's de Ottawa

CanadaNutella Café by Sobey's



🕗 horaire

193, Metcalfe Street, K2P 1P6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-598-0027
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.418566, Longitude: -75.6933744

commentaires 5

  • Yoshuna



    Good prices for coffee and tea, but the actual Nutella pastries are disappointing for their price points. Seating is okay, but is often taken up by staff on break.

  • Fermin Quant

    Fermin Quant


    This is a little shop which is inside and besides a super market. Is it very nice, warm and cozy. They have free wifi, a buck-a-cup option where you get a coffee, tea, hot chocolate and something else which I can't remember for literally 1 buck tax included.

  • en

    Lex H.


    I hate nutella so don't take this review at heart if u like that spread... the store seems empty most of the time, and i suppose everything is nutella based...

  • shashi k

    shashi k


    Fresh crepes try their strawberry banana Nutella crepe, it's yumm. Very small menu I wish they add more pastries to the menu.

  • Patrick Dean

    Patrick Dean


    Cheap and cheerful. Friendly service. Cheapest coffee and cappuccino, cheaper than Tim's, but Nutella? Once they stop using palm oil, yes, otherwise, no thanks.

Café la plus proche

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