Nunavut Gallery Inc de Winnipeg

CanadaNunavut Gallery Inc



🕗 horaire

603, Corydon Avenue, R3L 0P3, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-478-7233
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.8727885, Longitude: -97.1478506

commentaires 4

  • June Quiroga

    June Quiroga


    This website does not do this shop justice. It is beyond imagination. If you are looking for Inuit sculptures etc. go no further. If you can't find something in this shop you will not ever find it. I fully recommend it. We bought a beautiful piece and just love her to bits. Thank you both John and Richard for spending all the time that you did with us and for entertaining us so royally. If ever we are back in the good old Peg, which I hold so dear and near to my heart, we will pop by to see your wares. You should be so very proud of your surroundings. June and Nelson Quiroga

  • Michael G. Schechter

    Michael G. Schechter


    The sculpture and prints in this gallery are amazing. And, Richard, the owner is gracious, friendly and generous with his amazing knowledge of Inuit artists and Inuit culture. The website is a very, very limited introduction to the collection. You must go to Winnipeg.

  • Brendan Guyot

    Brendan Guyot


    Outstanding art and very knowledgeable

  • en

    En Google-bruger


    It's been closed for years. Don't bother going.

Galerie d'art la plus proche

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