Nucci's Bake A Deli de Thunder Bay

CanadaNucci's Bake A Deli



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801 Red River Rd, P7B 1J9, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 807-767-4501
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4437649, Longitude: -89.2476766

commentaires 5

  • Charmaine Barton

    Charmaine Barton


    While it has an accessible entrance, if you use a mobility device do not go when there will be lots of other people there. Aisles are wide but *sharp* turns, so you might bump into something. Counter people are friendly and willing to discuss your needs, some will make suggestions. They always verify the thickness you want by showing you the first slice. You can order in metric, imperial, or by the # of slices. They have a sandwich counter so you can order exactly what you want. Fresh rolls, bread, persians with 3 types of frosting and lots of dainties. Lots of imported Italian food, fresh made pastas, meatballs and sauces. You can get some staples there butter, milk, pop, etc.

  • Miyosha Tso Deh

    Miyosha Tso Deh


    Really good baked treats and meat. Love the place!

  • Mimi W

    Mimi W


    The only place to get a Persian on holiday weekends and I got mine nice and fresh... but why did they pile them all on top of each other!? :( -- "Mimi's Cake Tour"

  • en



    I normally love buying bread from there. I ordered a cake for my birthday. I pre paid for it when I ordered it 2 days prior of pick up the nice girl told me that the receipt would stay with the cake order form so they would know it was paid for. That's when it all went wrong the woman behome the counter the day I picked up my birthday cake on my birthday wouldnt even acknowledge that I was there for 10 minutes so I asked someone else for help they got my cake and then they tried to recharge me for the damn cake that in all honestly tasted horrible made my son sick. I ended up asking for the manager or the owner. I refuse to ever go there again they lost a really good customer because I refuse to be treated like I was nothing. They really need to get their act together because trying force someone to pay for something twice is an actual crime.

  • Elliotte Fernandes

    Elliotte Fernandes


    My go to place for fresh bread, deli meats and Persians. They may not have the largest selection of cheese or meats but what they have is usually very delicious.

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