Northwood Medical Clinics de Sudbury

CanadaNorthwood Medical Clinics



🕗 horaire

2009, Long Lake Road, P3E 6C3, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 705-522-3380
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.4513343, Longitude: -81.0048095

commentaires 5

  • en



    The service was wonderful and I didn't have a long wait to see a doctor. Will go back to this location again

  • en

    Elizabeth Steadman


    As soon as the doctor stepped in, he automatically made a joke about how I was trying to miss school. When I told him my flu-like symptoms, he immediately said, oh you're pregnant! Didn't ask any professional questions about my sexual history before concluding I was pregnant and made me take a urine sample. Only after it came up negative did he take my illness seriously and assumed it was something I ate and told me if the symptoms persist then to 'come back another day.' Extremely sexist experience and a total lack of care towards my well being.

  • Taylor Holloway

    Taylor Holloway


    Complete garbage. I was called earlier tonight for the results of an x-ray for a broken finger. It was indicated to me that they wanted to see me sooner than later - so as soon as I had access to the vehicle, I busted out as fast as I could to see the doctor. By the time I arrived, it was 8.30 pm and the OPEN sign was on, with the hours indicated - which was until 9 pm. When i got in, i was briskly greeted by a receptionist who told me that the doctor would not see me under any circumstances (I could hear her telling the receptionist at the time), and I would have to come back tomorrow. If your hours are until 8.30, it should be indicated so on your website, or at least have the decency to have a phone line you answer to inform patients coming into the office that you cannot see them (as I did try to call prior to leaving my house). I strongly recommend checking out some of the other clinics in town.

  • Koffi Mathias Yao

    Koffi Mathias Yao


    Bien organisé

  • Sandy Komhyr

    Sandy Komhyr


    Great experience! The doctor didn't just pull out a prescription pad, he asked a lot of questions and found a solution. 🌞

Docteur la plus proche

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