Northview Apartment REIT Yellowknife Office de Yellowknife

CanadaNorthview Apartment REIT Yellowknife Office



🕗 horaire

4817, 49th Avenue, X1A 3S7, Yellowknife, Fort Smith Region, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 867-920-2909
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 62.456174, Longitude: -114.3735181

commentaires 5




    Management staff is courrpt and always put extra charges to the tenants and their services are very poor never done on time. Apartments are always smell very bad all day.. Always charges extra for professional cleaning on tenants after tenancy.. Don't rent anything from this people..

  • Trevor Squires

    Trevor Squires


    Leading renter in northern Canada with a whole host of rental residential and commerical properties.

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    Power Slacker


    I lived in Ptarmigan apartments and it was great! Some of the highlights included: -A grassy area below the balconies always had many convenient cigarette butts that I could harvest when I couldn't afford to buy a pack. -Easy access to retailers of every type of narcotic that I wanted; some of them sold right out their windows! -Fun neighbours who knew how to party all night long. Woo! -Frequent building-wide activities were a big plus; I particularly enjoyed the "4 AM Fire Drill" which happened about once every two months. -One vintage washing machine/dryer per floor of the building; sometimes they even all worked! -There were often armed residents patrolling the hall, which surely scared off any criminals who might have otherwise come to rob the building. Great community! -Presence of human effluence in halls and stairwells guaranteed to impact your health, resulting in more frequent sick days! -Insufficient parking spaces, likely intended to encourage residents to go green and use more eco friendly modes of transportation. Overall I can't recommend this experience enough! Best year of my life!

  • Brandy Bliss

    Brandy Bliss


    Do not move into these apartments esspcially tallwood! Rent is ridiculous and will go up each year my hydro barely works have power outages monthly. Have found cock roaches around the building also was assaulted by a random crack head claiming I called the humane society on her. Landlord and supper are terrible will not help you with anything. And if your toilets clogged they will charge you for it. Worst apartments I've ever lived in DO NOT RISK RENTING HERE IT MAY LOOK NICE IT ISNT especially talwood drive peterbrough!

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    John Joseph


    Renter be aware. Watch out for rude leasing agents. A lot of these properties are under construction, and you will encounter noise. Is there a drug problem? Because walking through the halls, all you will smell is marijuana. I would recommend looking elsewhere for somewhere to live.

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