Northland Auto Group de Prince George

CanadaNorthland Auto Group



🕗 horaire

2021, Yellowhead Highway, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 53.9042804, Longitude: -122.76465

commentaires 4

  • David Wall-Williams

    David Wall-Williams


  • Jessica smith

    Jessica smith


    Everybody is super helpful and they know what they are talking about. The managers are involved if anything is going wrong in the slitest. I love my Hyundai Accent too. And the new Buy now Pay later with the service dept. Is super nice for my remote start and window tint!

  • Janice McKinney

    Janice McKinney


    The employees are very helpful and nice. The atmosphere is really laid back and at the same time very professional 🙄

  • Aaron Kukkola

    Aaron Kukkola


Concessionnaire la plus proche

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