Norpine Auto Supply (96) Ltd de High Level

CanadaNorpine Auto Supply (96) Ltd



🕗 horaire

11102, Rainbow Boulevard, T0H 1Z0, High Level, Division No. 17, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 780-926-4494
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 58.5088914, Longitude: -117.1396664

commentaires 5

  • en

    Nikki Zatko


    The guys are great and helpful.

  • Russel Christenson

    Russel Christenson


    Great supply store. Great prices and knowledgeable staff.

  • Diedrich Wolfe

    Diedrich Wolfe


    The best community minded, locally owned parts store around.

  • GaryJames Christian

    GaryJames Christian


    Very helpful and knowledgeable staff plenty of parking. The selection of Auto Parts is great, and the prices and availability are excellent. The services offered and available include small engine repair and Diagnostics as well as auto diagnostics. This store has a local connection to local businesses, and will stop at nothing short of Excellence, to get you back on the road, including expedited overnight deliveries of Auto Parts.

  • en

    David Janzen


    If you need it the will get it. And reasonably priced on mist items

Réparation automobile la plus proche

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