NHVN Currency Exchange de Toronto

CanadaNHVN Currency Exchange



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222 Spadina Ave #101C, Toronto, ON M5T 3B3, Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 416-599-6486
site web: www.nhvnfx.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.650967, Longitude: -79.3975269

commentaires 5

  • Vanessa LeBlanc

    Vanessa LeBlanc


    Great exchange rates (closest to XE converter) and fast service .

  • Kay Jees

    Kay Jees


    I am glad that you can get much better exchange rates than banks. Thank you NHVN.

  • en

    Veronica Miller


    Earlier last week I had tried to go to a currency exchange place across from dragon city but they had close early. I proceeded to go to NHVN to trade my Canadian to Euros i was greeted with amazing customer service from a good looking tall gentleman. He gave me the best rates I could’ve asked for! This will be my go to place for when I am in the country again. I highly recommend this currency exchange to foreigners

  • Charles Nemeth

    Charles Nemeth


    Great service! Needed larger amount of a currency than what was in stock. NHVN ordered it based on just a phone call, called back in a couple of hours when arrived, and I could pick it up at the previously quoted, best rate all around.

  • en



    Best customer service ever! Super kind and friendly, and their rates are phenomenal compared to other currency exchange places. Only issue is they don't give you small bills in certain currencies, only big bills; but other than that I still left being super satisfied (: Will definitely return in the future!! :D

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