Nelcan Electric de Vancouver

CanadaNelcan Electric



🕗 horaire

163 West 4th Avenue, #2, Vancouver, BC V5Y 1E4, Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 604-428-1119
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2675616, Longitude: -123.1090511

commentaires 5

  • Home Idol Building Supplies

    Home Idol Building Supplies


  • Jeff Kang

    Jeff Kang


    We wanted to replace puck lights, as the housing was melted. I emailed over a dozen electricians, but Nelson of Nelcan was the only one that suggested a likely cause: >Looks like there were 20 watt bulbs in those 10 watt rated puck lights. The quoted cost was also on the low end of the estimates that I received.

  • Drew Galvin

    Drew Galvin


    A high-quality, reliable and honest electrical firm. Easily among the best in the city!

  • Smiley Nesbitt

    Smiley Nesbitt


    As most of of you know, finding a trade you can count on to do a great job when renovating can be challenging. If you're looking for an electrician, Nelcan Electric is a no brainer. I've never worked with someone so dependable and who do a great job quickly and efficiently. Highly recommended.

  • Adam Schellenberg

    Adam Schellenberg


    A friendly professional electrical company, located in the industrial heart of Vancouver.

Électricien la plus proche

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