Mystery Lake Hotel de Thompson

CanadaMystery Lake Hotel


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58, Cree Road, R8N 0N2, Thompson, Division No. 22, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 204-778-8331
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 55.7439951, Longitude: -97.8591631

commentaires 5

  • Gerald McDonald

    Gerald McDonald


    There was a security on all the floors checking to see if there is no noise. Good for the hotel

  • en

    svg1 heat


    Love this hotel I'd live here but sadly no

  • Luna Lily

    Luna Lily


    Loved the hotel, reception was wonderful. The chef in the restaurant was absolutely amazing!

  • Sara Seydel

    Sara Seydel


    Had a really nice family dinner here tonight. Beautiful building, super kind staff and super delicious food.

  • Bob Davies

    Bob Davies


    I have lived in Thompson for 28 years and this used to be one of the wonderful places to go for a exceptional meal. Reservations were made, and the table was beautifully set. I spent over 100.00 for my partner and I, and I think that was the worst dine-out meal I have ever had. The over salted broil steak, but I think it was boiled, was a disappointment. Six of us dine together--six of us left disappointed. Spend your money elsewhere.

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