Mr. Roofer Inc. de Ottawa

CanadaMr. Roofer Inc.



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207, Bank Street, K2P 2N2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 613-800-3149
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.417514, Longitude: -75.6980273

commentaires 5

  • Sandu Monica

    Sandu Monica


    I had a flat roof installed about 15 years ago. It has been leaking for about the last 5, with numerous repair attempts by other companies. I got several quotes and although Mr. Roofer was not the cheapest, I was extremely impressed with the knowledge and thoroughness i was presented about my project and other steps maintaining longevity of our roof. My job required coordinating a few trades and Mr. Roofer arrived on time, on budget. The left the area extremely clean and presented my warranty upon payment. I will recommend this company to anyone who needs roofing work completed and I look forward to working with them in the future. Thanks for a great job Mr. Roofer Inc.

  • marina hodžić

    marina hodžić


    When it came time for us to do our roof, we researched all of our options and after talking with Robert at Mr. Roofer Inc., They gave us tons of options, and felt that a stone coated steel roof was the best investment for us! The installation went very smooth, and absolutely zero complaints. We are so happy with our new roof and will forever recommend Mr. Roofer Inc. to anyone that never wants to worry about their roof again!

  • Muhammad Ayub

    Muhammad Ayub


    Mr. Roofer did a great job putting a new roof on my home. Very professional, and finished the job in one day instead of the two originally quoted. They also honored a quote from over six months ago which was great as we were under hard times financially. We wish all companies would take the approach Mr. Roofer does, would make peoples lives a lot more easier. Thank you Mr. Roofer, your 100% Awesome.

  • Wenno FTW

    Wenno FTW


    When we were in the market to have our Cedar Roof and our Flat roof replaced, we had 8 quotes by 8 different companies, one of which was Mr. Roofer Inc. They were amazingly set up to deal with our situation, unlike more than half of the other companies we dealt with, instead of a piece a paper with a price on it, we got to custom build our roof to the way wanted it and to meet our budget needs. It was one of the best experiences we have ever had with a contracting company hands down. overall we found Mr. Roofer to be professional, honest and immaculate with their workmanship. We would highly recommend them to anyone wanting a high quality roof done right.

  • en

    dexdex tan


    Sale person was very professional knew his product very well. He made us feel very comfortable - he was not pushy and there was not a question he could not answer. We called a couple of times with follow-up questions, and he was always available. I would have to say his service was a definitive 10/10. The installers were very professionaland completed the roof in a timely fashion, they obviously knew what they were doing. At the start of installation, they explained the process, and offered to answer any questions that may come up. Very professional. Upon completion, they took me around the house for a final inspection. Cleanup was awesome, all done to our satisfaction . Quality workmanship & service, I would recommend Mr. Roofer Inc. to anyone. Very happy!

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