Motel Royal Labarre de Longueuil

CanadaMotel Royal Labarre


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2019, Boulevard Taschereau, J4K 2Y1, Longueuil, Champlain, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 450-677-9101
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.5090829, Longitude: -73.4908061

commentaires 5

  • Vincent Lalande-Bériault

    Vincent Lalande-Bériault


    Stationnement complet lors de l'arrivée, buffet ok. Température fluctuente

  • fr

    Dany Paquin


    Endroit quand même assez propre. Beaucoup de motor l'été, ce qu'il est mon amusant

  • en

    Mai Ismail


    Warm in winter, receptionists are friendly. An regarding the cleanliness, let's just put it this way, if u are a germophobe, this is not the place for u.

  • Steve Trudeau

    Steve Trudeau


    La salle de réception est très jolie,mais la nourriture était vraiment ordinaire! Des petites portions, des aliments pas assez cuits, froids ou pas encore dégelés.. c'est très dommage!

  • Jamie Diamond

    Jamie Diamond


    Service is outstanding. Our mattress was damaged so they gave us the opportunity to switch rooms or change the mattress, and they did. For a motel the facilities are good. It's a short drive to the city center. The shower had fantastic pressure. The basic room we stayed in had a huge balcony. Rooms are quite. We could not drink the water do to a e-coli contamination of the water supply. However this was a municipal issue that the motel could not be blamed for.

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