Motel Ritz de Gatineau

CanadaMotel Ritz


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137, Boulevard Gréber, J8T 3R1, Gatineau, Communauté-Urbaine-de-l'Outaouais, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 819-568-0440
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4683415, Longitude: -75.6999663

commentaires 5

  • Seb Lemery

    Seb Lemery


    The sex was good. Will definitively spend another weekend there xD

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    Very sad experience. We were asking if there would be a room available and the response was very rude. We got into an argument. Very aggressive personal. Almost got into a fight. The person at the front desk was trying to spit on us and insulted me and my wife very badly.

  • Jimmy K.

    Jimmy K.


    Really lovey motel with great staff, lovely clean rooms and really comfortable beds. The owner is really friendly and made us feel at home right away. Definitely a step above other motels!

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    basil marchand


    We called around at around 5 30 pm in Ottawa for a motel room as my friend and I were visiting the city and to our dismay all motels were solidly booked, except for one motel that had one room left. After frantically searching the city for a room, we decided to give motels in nearby Gatineau, Quebec a try. After two motels were called, disappointment continued until a call to the Ritz motel was made. Bingo! AT the Ritz we found a super clean room and I personally later thought to myself that this room had quite a "wow" factor associated with it, that being the tiled floors and especially the condition of the tiles themselves. Having worked briefly with tiled floors before, I was mesmerized with this "work of art" of a floor. The floors glistened in the light and I touched them several times to see and try to figure out how these tiles were so shiny. Well, to make a long story short, I have never seen such nice floors in a motel room before and on the floors alone, it is my pleasure to rate a room at the Ritz five stars.

  • The Dukes Of Atmosphere

    The Dukes Of Atmosphere


    Very clean, newly renovated room at an affordable rate. Staff very pleasant, helpful and friendly. Great place to stay when traveling to the Ottawa area.

Lodging la plus proche

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