Motel la Paysanne de Sherbrooke

CanadaMotel la Paysanne


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🕗 horaire

42, Rue Queen, J1M 1H9, Sherbrooke, La Région-Sherbrookoise, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 819-569-5585
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3609238, Longitude: -71.8569162

commentaires 5

  • en

    Rod Brandon


    Room was clean and warm, even though it was -23 C overnight. Quiet, slept well. Comfortable bed. I would stay again.

  • en

    Dorothy Chandler


    Very convenient for visiting lennoxville and sherbrook. Inexpensive and clean. Serves continental breakfast. Small fridge available in addition to coffee machine in room. WiFi etc. Will be back!

  • Jey-son Edwards

    Jey-son Edwards


    Small town cute and quaint. Clean, nice staff and perfect central location.

  • Melissa King

    Melissa King


    The room was clean and nice. The bed was amazing! Excellent value for the price!

  • en

    Chloe McCartney


    I would recommend this motel over the others in the area. It's clean and has friendly staff. The prices are very reasonable.

Lodging la plus proche

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