Mosquée Al-Omah Al-Islamiah de Montréal

CanadaMosquée Al-Omah Al-Islamiah


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

1245, Rue Saint-Dominique, H2X 2W4, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 514-879-8677
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.5101411, Longitude: -73.5623861

commentaires 5

  • ol bee

    ol bee


    Great Mosque in the middle of downtown Montreal. I always stop by to pray whenever I'm in town for a few hours.

  • en

    Rio Diego


    I like this mosque the imam is a good speaker and the location is very helpful for brothers and sisters who works in downtown

  • Kareem Minhas

    Kareem Minhas


    Nice place to appriciate our Lord and see how beautiful our internstional cummunity is.

  • Honest Review

    Honest Review


    IQAMA TIME : Fajr Athan time + 10 minutes Dohr Athan time + 10 minutes Asr Athan time + 10 minutes Maghreb Athan time + 5 minutes Isha Athan time + 10 minutes Great mosque. They have to create a website for people to know prayer time. Until then, I've putted a picture to show you prayer times. These schedule is only valid for today, but you can follow the instructions in the first paragraph for coming prayers inchalah. I hope this will help Salamou alykom wa rahmato allah wa salamo ala rassouli Allah salla allaho alayhi wa sallam

  • Amara Sahoneh

    Amara Sahoneh


    Truly one of the best mosques I've ever been to. It has large space, space for everyone. Love it.

Mosquée la plus proche

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