Morena Epicerie Traiteur Inc de Québec

CanadaMorena Epicerie Traiteur Inc



🕗 horaire

1040, Avenue Cartier, G1R 2S4, Québec, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Québec, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 418-529-3668
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.8036961, Longitude: -71.2260929

commentaires 5

  • en

    David Lesurf


    Fantastic service and breakfast.

  • Eve Rochelemagne

    Eve Rochelemagne


    Bought a lot of gourmet pantry gifts there, but a lot of them turned out to be old stock... A small $8.00 box of cookies, expired. But the little Café was nice and great, fresh-made dishes

  • Josianne Marsan

    Josianne Marsan


    Friendly owners. Excellent pasta-to-go, cod cakes, orzo salad, veal with tuna emulsion, mozzarella di buffala, cheese stuffed peppers, marinated muschrooms, french fries (frozen), and chocolate-based desserts. Nice terrasse. Great selection of wine.

  • Vishal Bajaj

    Vishal Bajaj


    Excellent coffee and a bunch of interesting things!

  • en

    Vincent H.


    Poor waitress was alone and seemes stressed but the food was very good, even though it was a bit expensive for the quantity,

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