Monte Carlo Inn - Toronto Markham de Markham

CanadaMonte Carlo Inn - Toronto Markham



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Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
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Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
8900, Woodbine Avenue, L3R 5K6, Markham, York Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-513-8100
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.8586822, Longitude: -79.361226

commentaires 5

  • Christiana Villanueva

    Christiana Villanueva


    It was a nice Easter weekend with clean cozy rooms we stayed, with free breakfast but there were such unavoidable experience at the hall Chinese guests just blow their dirty clogged nose loudly infront of other guests who were having meals. I should say no table manner. It's gross and disgusting. Just saying to avoid spread and prevention of microorganism such as cough colds viruses. We walked out with my partner I feel It's very unsanitary. Please make a way to avoid this kind of guests. I have seen 3 of them doing and please do check your ctv cam for verification. No to SARS and viruses. Thank you more power,

  • Bryan Minarsky

    Bryan Minarsky


    Nice staff, very accommodating and affordable nice rooms, especially for the area, you won't find a better deal, just internet book and there's always a promo rate or room upgrade available.

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    Ashley McAdam


    Let’s start with guest services. There is only about one decent hotel employee located in the building. Getting her is a delight, anyone else is useless as can be. The rooms are never what are advertised. When you book a room with 2 queens, expect a single queen. for 2 days now I’ve been without a shower due to lack of warm running water. When I called the front desk I was told it can’t be fixed, I’d have to wait til tomorrow when someone is in but I still won’t be able to shower in the AM. I asked to be switched to another room and he said got it and hung up on me. I can’t switch until they check the water... tomorrow. The hotel dining never has all the “complementary “ breakfast. The dining staff is rude as can be. Aside from the one decent employee, there is literally no upsides to this hotel. Pay the extra money. Stay in Markham at the Hilton. Additionally, last time I was put here there were rumors calling this a “pay by hour” hotel because it’s been known and busted for prostitution. The cops were here 2 of my 3 nights last time. The noise level was awful due to fire alarms going off. There is just nothings positive to say. For those of you with good experiences, I’m glad that you had the service and the experience that you did. If you’re a prospective client, I suggest you read all reviews. MARKHAM HILTON rates are not much higher and definitely worth it.

  • Juanita Butler

    Juanita Butler


    We had an event at this location and the Monte Carlo staff and management was outstanding. We will be doing more events at this location. The rooms were comfortable and enjoyable

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    Good service. Haven't been there for a while. We're there with friends for a quick snack and didn't realize it was New Year's Eve and for this particular day, they don't serve afternoon tea. The waiter very politely explained to us and we sat down for a quick snack. We received the same good service as usual. đŸ‘đŸŒđŸ‘đŸŒ

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