Moe's Home Collection de Vancouver

CanadaMoe's Home Collection



🕗 horaire

1728, Glen Drive, V6A 4L5, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 604-687-5599
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.2693849, Longitude: -123.0807628

commentaires 5

  • Jeff Cheah

    Jeff Cheah


    Really classy furniture store that's beautiful decorated. Prices are reasonable for mid to high end furnitures.

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    Miranda Hartman


    I've purchased from Moe's three or four times. Each time was flawless from the staff at the store to the warehouse staff when we picked up our items. Everyone was professional and very friendly. I'm very happy with Moe's!

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    Daniel Chow


    Lovely furniture store. Bright, clean and inviting. 3 floors of elegant furniture. Staff were friendly and helpful. Well organized items, nicely displayed. All items were clearly tagged with the prices and dimensions which made things much easier. Definitely not your mom and pop's old-school furniture store.

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    Amber D'Amico


    I have recently purchased my bed from Moe's. I had a rough idea of what I was looking for and my rep exceeded my expectations. Our previous furniture was very inexpensive and didn't last longer than 3 years, so we were prepared to pay more to get quality. You pay for what you get. Thanks Moe's for your great service and products.

  • Jenny Pham

    Jenny Pham


    Beautiful and unique furniture, however, unnecessarily expensive. Great place to get ideas and add character to your home. Easy parking. Can't take stairs to third floor so you have to wait for the old elevator to bring you up. Layout is not easy to navigate through for easy shopping but it feels like everything is designer.

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