Mississauga News de Mississauga

CanadaMississauga News


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3145, Wolfedale Road, L5C 3A9, Mississauga, Peel Regional Municipality, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 905-273-8111
site web: www.mississauga.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.5660174, Longitude: -79.6396382

commentaires 5

  • Amber Dowding

    Amber Dowding


    Great workers at the desk, very kind ladies. Came in to complain about the news paper boy because I haven’t received it in 3 weeks but it’s not their fault so definitely won’t give them a bad review

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    Gord Robinson


    Terrible delivery. May get delivery once a month. Have complained many many times. Hope their advertisers are not getting the deliveries they are paying for

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    Recently I came home to find the paper scattered all over my front yard as pictured. I can fully appreciate that the newspaper was the most happening mass media medium of the 19th century, but in the 21st century I'd rather read news online than clean up after incompetent delivery people.

  • Lesley Cornelius

    Lesley Cornelius


    Just moved to the area and this newspaper has more flyers than anything I have ever seen. Why waste all this paper? And no way to communicate that you don't want the flyers/paper. Killing trees!

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    jojo archers


    Sad to report, Nothing like in the 90s. paper has become a tool for Mississauga city officials. Try calling a reporter and if they do not like the tpic or concern--rarely a call back-leave a message--never to reply. no shame-just business!

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