Mimico de Toronto



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Toronto, Ontario M8Y 0A6, Canadá
contact téléphone: +1
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Latitude: 43.6166538, Longitude: -79.4970324

commentaires 5

  • holly yake

    holly yake


    I will say this, the staff is great. Everything else is horrible. It is so small and the parking is a joke. During rush hour it’s almost impossible not to run someone over as people are everywhere. Since there are no pedestrian walkways or sidewalks, as soon as people exit it’s chaos and very unsafe- ESPECIALLY if you have kids. There is no elevator for wheelchairs or strollers and the walk to the entrance is a long one, followed by lots of stairs to get to the platforms. With the way this neighbourhood is growing GO transit really needs to look at updating or moving this GO location.

  • Tashfin Awal

    Tashfin Awal


    Small, run down and does not have long open hours like other stations, but at least it features heated standing spots.

  • Aimee Ruggeri

    Aimee Ruggeri


    Station has a really tough layout. Be prepared to walk quite a way to the actual station with no underground pass. A Tim hortons is also badly needed at this station - I'm shocked they don't have a small one here. With the amount of construction going on in this area it would be wise financially and for commuters to put one in. The staff are generally okay - I've had a few situations where Go Transit staff have been rude to me however (just attitude in their voice for no reason). The biggest issue here is the need for an actual safe area for people in the humber bay area to get to the GO station.

  • Magnus Magnusson

    Magnus Magnusson


    There is half as much parking as is necessary. There is only one access to the platform, at the far end, which is not accessible under the AODA. This is a poorly constructed station and an example of the poor city-planning blight on Toronto.

  • en

    A P


    Badly outdated station. Only 1 entrance to platform. No elevator. Very limited free parking. Desperately need to upgrade to keep up with the expanding neighbourhood.

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