Mills Office Productivity de Prince George

CanadaMills Office Productivity



🕗 horaire

490 Brunswick St, V2L 2B6, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 250-561-8142
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 53.9159708, Longitude: -122.7485856

commentaires 5

  • en

    W Square


    New phone system direct to Vancouver. Great staff, hard to get through.

  • Andrew Furmanczyk

    Andrew Furmanczyk


    Fast and great quality prints everytime I've used them over the years.

  • en

    K. Ruth


    The staff has changed and did not come across as of they were lnterested. - except for the lady that i recognized from old Speedees. Too bad- cause we need an art store here.

  • Chelsea Bergeron

    Chelsea Bergeron


    Great sales on school supplies. I've asked them to special order a few things in for me and products almost always arrived quickly. Friendly staff.

  • Craig Gardner

    Craig Gardner


    love going in there. Better than Staples for many things

Magasin de meubles la plus proche

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