Mile End Kicks de Montréal

CanadaMile End Kicks



🕗 horaire

5178, Avenue du Parc, H2V 4G9, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 514-419-7405
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.5201343, Longitude: -73.5973712

commentaires 5

  • Jaclyn Ting

    Jaclyn Ting


    The saleswomen were a little too pushy and aggressive for my liking. She went on the longest shpeal about how the shoe I was considering was the best thing to happen in her life and how she even wears it inside the house in wintertime. Then when I realized they have a "no cash back" policy and was considering not buying them, she got highly defensive and angry towards me and tried to convince me that even if I buy them elsewhere but wear them inside the house for just 15 minutes, no other store would take them back. Not a very pleasant experience. Will likely not return.

  • en

    Y boom


  • Annie Perreault

    Annie Perreault


  • Nicolas Rondeau

    Nicolas Rondeau


    Très belles sélections de chaussures et de bottes.

  • paul saint paul

    paul saint paul


    It came from Mile end Kick, Mile end Kicks part two, Upscale and fancy booties, love it, cool stuff

Magasin de chaussures la plus proche

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