Midway Family Fun Park i Ottawa

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CanadaMidway Family Fun Park



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2477, Kaladar Avenue, K1V 8B9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-526-0343
internet side: midwayfunpark.ca
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.3760353, Longitude: -75.6694239

kommentar 5

  • Alaa Araji

    Alaa Araji


    Young ones love this place. Tons of activities, play zones and arcade games. Birthday party rooms are cute.

  • en

    Christie Saikaly


    Midway has lots to do for kids. You could spend all day there. I'd say it's a little old now in comparison with other similar businesses, so it smells slightly. Not a bad smell, but kinda like metal or moth balls ever so slightly. It certainly doesn't stop us from going. The staff are friendly, and always go out of their way to help if we need it. They're definitely not stingy. If you loose coins in a machine, they'll give them back, plus sometimes extra. And when exchanging your tickets for prizes, they'll round up if you don't have enough. What can be frustrating at times is the number of arcade games that are out of order. But at least there are a number of them to begin with. I'd say overall, it's a reasonably priced activity centre for what you get. Our family buys the membership for the year 😁

  • r n

    r n


    My daugther was invited for a birthday party here. She enjoyed the place so much. Good deal for a kids birthday party. The pizza is really good. Some rides are out dated. But over all it is a good place to bring your kids.

  • videogame wolf

    videogame wolf


    This place has seen better days forsure. But honestly it's some how still a great family fun place to spend your day. No matter how out dated the experience is fun for all ages

  • Suzanne Levesque

    Suzanne Levesque


    We were there for my grand daughter birthday. It was wonderful. The staff were excellent. Very clean. The kids had a great time. Thank you

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