Metro Plus St-David de Québec

CanadaMetro Plus St-David



🕗 horaire

2830, Avenue Saint David, G1C 5W2, Québec, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Québec, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 418-666-3888
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.865755, Longitude: -71.215385

commentaires 5

  • Helene Vaillancourt

    Helene Vaillancourt


    Excellent store! Very clean, well decorated, accessibles to people with disabilities, offers plenty of variety and the staff is very kind and professional. It is possible to buy online and then have the groceries delivered at home the next day. I used this service and meats, vegs and fruits were very fresh. I was very satisfied.

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    Jimmy Larose


    Prices a bit high compared to others. Still a nice grocery store.

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    Christian Herbert Boivin


    Super clean, a lot of choice and nice daily or prepared meal everyday 😉

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    Martyne Gagnon


    Great place to shop. It is Christmas Eve and every single cash was opened. Awesome!

  • Mario MĂ©thot

    Mario MĂ©thot


    Nice grocery store, good selection of products & nice service. Prices could be more competitive though

Supermarché la plus proche

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