Merivale Cat Hospital de Ottawa

CanadaMerivale Cat Hospital



🕗 horaire

1038 Merivale Rd, K1Z 6A7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-722-0251
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.378733, Longitude: -75.733521

commentaires 5

  • en

    Emily Wolfe


    They are a wonderful cat hospital with knowledgeable vets and technicians who truly care about the wellbeing of your cats

  • en

    Mary Ellen Scrivens


    They only care for cats, so you get great service from professionals who really understand cats.

  • Brandon Sears

    Brandon Sears


    We recently lost our cat and the folks at the Merivale Cat Hospital were wonderful to deal with during the process. Extremely caring staff that took care of our Gertie during the last few years of her life. I cannot recommend them enough.

  • M'Lisa Jarrett

    M'Lisa Jarrett


    Highly recommend their services. Outstanding staff and excellent service. They explained all there services and fees up front and took great care with our cat, who was way overdue for a check up and desperate need of a good grooming. Thanks for taking great care of our fur family member.

  • Richard Kulesza

    Richard Kulesza


    Amazing people. They've been great to the cats, and great at helping me out as a new cat owner. Highly recommend.

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