Mei Restaurant de Montréal

CanadaMei Restaurant



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1425, Mackay St, H3G 2H6, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 514-288-1314
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4962283, Longitude: -73.5775335

commentaires 5

  • Bonnie Mah

    Bonnie Mah


    Skewers not worth the price. BBQ is chili powder. Female toilet broken, Bathroom scary and doesn't lock. Perhaps other dishes tastes better.

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    Ted M


    Don’t let the grungy facade deter you because this is one of the good ones. The soup dumplings are delicious and savoury. Steamed pork buns were a revelation. It’s a huge menu and they offer BBQ, definitely a go to spot!! $20 bucks for two people, $30 bucks for two really hungry people. Go there!

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    Joe Black


    fantastic nrthern Chnese style food, reasonable price

  • Daniel Slapcoff

    Daniel Slapcoff


    Great food, inexpensive and fresh. Service is not so good.

  • Emily Sheepy

    Emily Sheepy


    Very cute restaurant. Recommend the soup dumplings, skewers and fungus salad. The quality of the food is very high, and it's inexpensive. I love to bring friends here.

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