Mei King Restaurant i Kitchener

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CanadaMei King Restaurant



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82, Margaret Avenue, N2H 4H4, Kitchener, Waterloo Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 519-743-6431
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Latitude: 43.4568713, Longitude: -80.4891786

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dana Pindera


    This restaurant must of been sold and new owners took over. The food just doesn't taste good anymore, no flavour. Delivery is too high $7.00. I'll order food from Crystal Palace, you should try it too.

  • en

    Greg Albert


    I'd honestly give it a 3.5 rating. Decent serving size for a good price. It's nothing out of this world, but it is pretty tasty. Try the almond cookies and/or the honey garlic spare ribs.

  • Jayne Forbes

    Jayne Forbes


    Delicious food. Quick service. Expensive.

  • en

    al x


    Don't like food at all, since the new owners took over ! I used to eat regularly at Mei King when the original owners did the cooking. Now the food is tasteless and I am never going back. I started going to SAM'S CHINESE KITCHEN at 375A Victoria St. N. (Victoria/Lancaster) and their food is superb and delicious, with an all day Dim Sum !!

  • Eli Abrahamson

    Eli Abrahamson


    The food here is your standard Chinese food however their lunch menu is where it's at. They offer a good amount of food something like $6.25. The staff is often very friendly and I was offered free dessert just to try. Moreover they serve bubble tea which is the bomb. Their drink menu is also really large, bigger than some bars I have gone too.

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