McDonald's de Prince George




🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
6777, John Hart Highway, V2K 3A5, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-962-8281
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 53.9906986, Longitude: -122.7907302

commentaires 5

  • James Smith

    James Smith


    There is never an excellent experience but most of the times its ok snd the service they provide is good for a fast food place . The food is always hot but doesn't always taste freshly cooked and you can usually tell by how hot it is and the taste. They mess up on orders from time to time or forget to our condiments and napkins in the bag but shouldn't stop someone from going here. The new self order machines with a debit machine are a good feature and allow for ordering to be much quicker more convenient and efficient.

  • en

    Brent B


    They can never get an order right. It's almost a guarantee the drive thru staff will forget food in the order. I leave drive thru, then have to go park and go inside to get the items they forgot. Kind of defeating the whole point of drive thru! The staff is often rude. Worst McDonald's in Prince George for accurancy of service and hospitality.

  • iTour Studios

    iTour Studios


    McDonald's always has fast and easy service. I order black coffee when I drive thru and I never have to wait more than 2 minutes. This time...they told me they had a special on coffee for $1 (any size) until March 2018. I was completely delighted as I really enjoy the taste of their coffee over other places. I enjoy going to this location as the staff are always awesome at giving quick...and caring service.

  • en

    Claus Schlueter


    One always knows what they've betting here..... no is never great, but it's never bad either. Not sure about the self-servr kiosk. Seems to take longer than ordering at the till! And it seems the kioosk asks too many questions...feels like an interrogation by US Customs! The menus need an option "done now, or customize ?" I can oder a "Big Mac meal with a coke" at the counter....try it at the kiosk. Ask the programmers at Amazon how to design a checkout interface.😊 .

  • en

    Peggy Corbett


    Got a wrap to go...I think it must have been sitting awhile. Cheese had soaked into the cardboard and wouldn't come out of the carton...and NO NAPKINS for handling the mess. Also double-double not stirred. Disappointed

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