McDonald's de Toronto




🕗 horaire

65, Front Street West, M5J 1E6, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 416-775-3693
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6453166, Longitude: -79.3804073

commentaires 5

  • Abhishek Sisodia

    Abhishek Sisodia


    Only good thing about this location the hours they operate within. It is convenient to get stuff here when going through union. Otherwise the service is only decent, usually location is super busy and they don't participate in the McDonald's promotions, so no $1 promotions, no coupons etc. Better to go to other McDonald locations in the path closeby.

  • Vs S

    Vs S


    your regular Mccafe place. great coffee. place is clean and nice but very busy

  • en

    Katie Watton


    This location is incredibly convenient between their location and hours. However, literally everything is marked up. My usual sandwich (sausage McMuffin) is 70 cents more here then every other location. They also don't participate in McDonald's promos like $1 coffee. I hope this place loses business when the full Union Station food court opens.

  • Mick Psyphon

    Mick Psyphon


    Despite the fact that they have a huge staff for this rather small location... and they really do their best serve you promptly... its difficult for me to give it a higher rating. This is mainly because of two key factors: - Its really rather a small location, for the amount of traffic that they face every day. - The number of people who are served each day makes it difficult to get your order quickly, or without having to shift your position several times, as you wait for your order. Too many customers are inconsiderate, which makes it an annoying experience. Its inside Union Station! So, don't expect a quick and easy experience... not unless its at a slow period for the trains.

  • Rick Corbett

    Rick Corbett


    This can be a very busy location (located in the York Concourse of Union Station). Staff can generally keep up, but not always. Limited selection of food and beverage and seldom has the same promotions as most locations (like the 1$ coffee)... Otherwise great for a quick snack, lunch or coffee while waiting for your train.

Café la plus proche

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