McDonald's de Winnipeg



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425, Nathaniel Street, R3M 3X1, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-949-6031
site web:
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Latitude: 49.8567573, Longitude: -97.1687679

commentaires 5

  • en

    Jeff Naismith


    I went through the drive through and ordered a black coffee. Got home and there was cream in it. This happened to me before and I should learn to look inside, but it’s a black coffee.

  • Meaghan Bedford

    Meaghan Bedford


    It took way too long to get through the drive through, there was no reason for it, especially when they have 2 spots reserved for waiting for your food so congestion in the drive through can be prevented. They forgot to add the honey sauce I requested and the chicken nuggets I received just tasted awful.

  • en

    Chun Huang


    This McD's has very poor reliability during busy times such as lunch or dinner. During the morning it is okay but the drive through will consistently incorrectly fill orders larger than one standard meal. I am actually writing this review today because they lost half of my order of 4 meals including the addition of expired milk in the remainder of the order. They get one star for the cleanliness of the interior and a second star for professionalism on the telephone.

  • en

    Mariana Muñoz


    Busy with highschoolers in the afternoon, but service in the morning was great! There is one woman who was working this morning who really went above what mcdonald's regular service is. She greeted us and went around a few times while we were there offering refills. Very friendly and great service.

  • Mubarak Nsekarije

    Mubarak Nsekarije


    Never come here when it is school season and break hours. At this times full with students from near by school. Great place to meet a friend for breakfast or coffee. I wouldn’t meet here for business meeting or bring meet someone here for the first time. Not for me any way

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