McArthur Lanes de Ottawa

CanadaMcArthur Lanes



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175, McArthur Avenue, K1L 6P8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 613-745-2117
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.431969, Longitude: -75.6627675

commentaires 5

  • en

    piano man


    Always a good time at McArthur Lanes. Blacklight nights make it a bit more fun. Bring a date or organize a group of players. They take only cash though so be ready with money.

  • videogame wolf

    videogame wolf


    Best Lanes in the area . I have fond memories of spending time with my father here back in the day. The place is located minutes from the Rideau river and one of the best bike paths in the country. Go grab an amazing slice of pizza at Uncle Louis then burn it off with a game of bowling.

  • Scott Perrie

    Scott Perrie


    Ten pin bowling. Something I haven't done in years, and why not?! This place is massive. Thirty lanes?! Video games?! Louis' pizza?! What's not to love?! Go there for some good clean family fun.

  • Dulla dulla

    Dulla dulla


    There are few Bowling places in ottawa but this one is the best. I know this place since 2010 and I always come here. You can buy pizza while going bowling from the pizza restaurant close to it. The pizza is special (more than 50 years of running by a family).

  • Rebecca Happy

    Rebecca Happy


    10 pin bowling.. always fun to do even if you suck. What is cool about this place is that even though they do not offer in house food, they have a relationship with Louis's Pizza next door so you can bring in their pizza while enjoying the bowling. all on one level so accessible to those who cannot do stairs.

Allée de bowling la plus proche

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ATMAgence d'assuranceAgence de voyageAgence immobiliĂšreAlimentsAllĂ©e de bowlingAmbassadeAnimalerieAquariumAvocatAĂ©roportBanqueBarBibliothĂšqueBijouterieBlanchisserieBoulangerieBoĂźte de nuitBureau de posteBureau du gouvernementCafĂ©CampingCampingCaserne de pompiersCasinoCentres commerciauxCimetiĂšreCinĂ©maColloque zoneComptabilitĂ©ConcessionnaireDentisteDocteurEntrepreneur en toitureEntrepreneur gĂ©nĂ©ralEntreprise de dĂ©mĂ©nagementEspace de rangementFinancerFleuristeGalerie d'artGareGrand magasinGymHĂŽpitalLave-AutoLibrairieLieu de culteLivraison de repasLocalitĂ©Location de filmLocation de voitureLodgingMagasinMagasin d'alcoolMagasin d'Ă©lectroniqueMagasin de chaussuresMagasin de commoditĂ©Magasin de matĂ©rielMagasin de meublesMagasin de vĂ©losMagasin de vĂȘtementsMairieMaison du mondeMaison funĂ©raireMosquĂ©eMusĂ©eNiveau administratif niveau 1Niveau administratif niveau 2Niveau administratif niveau 3Niveau de sublocalitĂ© 1Offre de sous-locationParcParc d'attractionsParkingPeintrePharmaciePhysiothĂ©rapeutePlombierPoint d'intĂ©rĂȘtPolicePolitiquePrĂ©misseQuartierRepas Ă  emporterRestaurantRouteRĂ©paration automobileSPASalon de beautĂ©SantĂ©SerrurierSoin des cheveuxSoins vĂ©tĂ©rinairesStadeStation de busStation de mĂ©troStation de taxiStation de transitStation essenceStation ferroviaire lĂ©gĂšreSupermarchĂ©SynagogueTemple hindouTribunalUn aspect naturelUniversitĂ©ZooÉcoleÉgliseÉlectricienÉpicerie ou supermarchĂ©