Marshalls de Victoria




🕗 horaire

1644, Hillside Avenue, V8T 2C5, Victoria, Capital, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 250-595-5931
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.4470949, Longitude: -123.3356584

commentaires 5

  • en

    Christine Coad


    Not a great selection as opposed to Winners but generally a nice store.

  • D P

    D P


    The place is ok, I think the atmosphere needs a bit of upgrading, it's so drab in there. New layout?

  • en

    Ruth Rogers


    Great discount clothing. Some well known brands plus housewares, bedding, bath towels, shoes, gifts, some toys.

  • en

    Megan Harris


    Horrible experience, manager is rude and disrespectful. Not a friendly lady, treats staff like garbage swears infront of customers. Place is dirty, things dragging on the floor. I won't be back just wanted to put it out their that the manager Tara needs an attitude adjustment and some pointers on her customer service skills.

  • Mohamad Bilal Ezzeddine

    Mohamad Bilal Ezzeddine


    Very nice shopping experience! For all tastes and inexpensive prices... love it!

Grand magasin la plus proche

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