Marshalls de Montréal




🕗 horaire

1500, Avenue Atwater, H3Z 1X5, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 514-846-1692
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4888063, Longitude: -73.5859947

commentaires 5

  • en

    Renee Edwardh


    I will not buy a thing at Marshall's. It is legal to have English signs in Quebec but Marshall's seems to ignore that and have decided to only advertise in French. It is a matter of respect for your customers. In the Alexis Nichon mall, the people shopping there must be 80% anglophones. C'mon Marshall! Bad enough that the gov't relishes removing our rights whenever they please.

  • Russell Saint Cyr

    Russell Saint Cyr


    Great selection and prices, but it's a carbon copy of Winners, just one floor down! Must be the same owner, but I was expecting at least some attempt to not replicate the exact Winners layout and experience.

  • en

    Siyu Quan


    Somehow I prefer this to Winners(losers:-P)

  • en

    Jade H


    It's not a big store but I was able to find tons of goodies! The changing room staff and the cashiers were all so friendly! I love it!

  • Moshe Shak

    Moshe Shak


    A nice pplace. Reminds me of Winners but on a smaller scale. No free parking. Busy location.

Grand magasin la plus proche

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