Marcello's Market and Deli de Ottawa

CanadaMarcello's Market and Deli



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150, Slater Street, K1P 5H3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 613-237-2010
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.4198143, Longitude: -75.6972894

commentaires 5

  • Sarah Stephens

    Sarah Stephens


    I've visited their sandwich bar at this location twice in an effort to give it a fair chance, but both times the people behind the counter making the sandwiches just put the bare minimum in. The bread was barely toasted, making the bread soggy and the sandwich luke-warm at best. The ingredients were tossed in like you might toss clothing you were too tired to fold onto the floor in a heaping mess. Twice was more than enough and I will not be coming back.

  • Michael Labarge

    Michael Labarge


    I went to put a bit of milk in my black coffee at Marcello's buffet downtown and was told by the owner to ask next time. Are you kidding me? After I've probably spent hundreds of dollars at lunchtime and breakfast on overpriced below average buffet food for the last 4 years? Infuriating. You have lost my business!

  • kurt hinds

    kurt hinds


    Great place to eat and the food is excellent. Service is top notch and suggest it to anyone and everyone.

  • en

    Pavan Singh


    Horrible. Just horrible. Picked up three things. Milk - A chicken breast wrap and some spring rolls (shrimp). The wrap wasn't fresh, the chicken was so dry, there was no dressing. The spring rolls (shrimp) were hard and the veggies were old. Had to throw it away as I do not know how old the shrimp was. What a waste of 14$ - I will never ever go back, I recommend that none does either.

  • en

    Jill V.


    Service was awesome, and one of the employees made my day. Food was also really awesome. There is so much to choose from with the buffet style take-out really has something for everyone.

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