Mac's Convenience Store de Yellowknife

CanadaMac's Convenience Store



🕗 horaire

5000, Forrest Drive, X1A 2A7, Yellowknife, Fort Smith Region, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 867-873-9393
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 62.4459442, Longitude: -114.3898114

commentaires 4

  • Miles Lougheed

    Miles Lougheed


    Below average, but I've seen worse.

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    Kin Chan


    It's Good Friday evening. Most restaurants were closed. Bought the chicken pieces with wedges here as supper. Tasted good.

  • Mike Cooper

    Mike Cooper


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    The food is always sub par at best for the "fresh stuff." Meaning still selling dry and over cooked throughout the afternoon to the late night. Hasn't been a time I've gone in since they had fresh stuff and always unwilling for new stuff going odd about I'm too picky over 4 hour old fried food. What happened to our go to place!

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