Mac B and B de Ottawa

CanadaMac B and B



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3399, McCarthy Road, K1V 9G6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-862-8856
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3506673, Longitude: -75.6640835

commentaires 5

  • en

    Noor Mohammad shairzai


    I really enjoy staying in this place thanks you so much

  • en

    Dawood Farooqi


    Clean and organized place, great hospitality 10/10, friendly host, big rooms and clean rooms, reasonable good price rates.

  • en

    intizzar intizzar


    Amazing experience, nice clean place, friendly host, I will visit again for sure

  • Chinenye Noshiri

    Chinenye Noshiri


    Only stayed for one night. Host was friendly and shared his musical passion and culture. Light Breakfast was provided. Host made a signing ignore names with ancient middle eastern writing which was pretty cool. Met a a friendly German couple there who were travelling across North America . One minus was that the bathroom was not so clean and if there were cleaning supplies around, would have cleaned it myself.

  • Chris Khoshatefeh

    Chris Khoshatefeh


    This B&B is easy to find, well maintained, clean, and simple. The room I stayed in had one queen sized bed close to the ground, with very soft and clean white beddings. The room has a small LCD TV with about 10 satellite channels, a chair, a window with curtains, a closet, and a movable air filter. There is a shared house bathroom, kitchen, and driveway. Total cost was around 300 for 3 nights. My only minor complaint is that it's next to a busy all-way stop and bus stop, so it can be a little loud at night. Besides this, my stay was very nice. If I come back to Ottawa I'll highly consider staying here again!

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