Lougheed Flowers i Sudbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaLougheed Flowers



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252, Regent Street, P3C 4C8, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 705-673-9591
internet side: www.lougheedflowers.ca
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Latitude: 46.487185, Longitude: -81.006883

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ron Landrye


    Friendly staff always going above and beyond to truly make sure everything is perfect before you leave.

  • Connor Gudmundson

    Connor Gudmundson


    Perty place nice flowers good staff

  • Tanya M

    Tanya M


    Purchased flowers for my father's funeral. They were beautiful. One arrangement had the wrong flowers and it was promptly rectified. The ladies were so patient and kind while we selected the most fitting flowers for my dad.

  • Amy Mazur

    Amy Mazur


    Excellent service and decent pricing. They were super kind and accommodating for our custom funeral arrangement.

  • ryan.hartling



    We ordered a gift basket online on August 13 for a friend who was in the hospital. We thought all was good until we got a call on August 31 indicating that the gift basket never got delivered because the hospital said there was no one in the hospital with our recipient's name. The reason for the one star rating is the fact that it took 18 days for them to notify us that the gift wasn't delivered. You would think that they would have called us the next day after the attempted delivery. We ended up cancelling our order as our friend was no longer in the hospital. We are expecting a full refund, however we never did get a "sorry" from them, just a "well we tried". Now i have to deliver a belated gift a bare all the embarrassment from their lack of customer satisfaction, which I thought was a guarantee as per their website. I would follow up with them to ensure delivery, don't assume they get the job done.

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