Loblaws de Toronto




🕗 horaire

60, Carlton Street, M5B 1J2, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 416-593-6154
site web: www.loblaws.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6619639, Longitude: -79.3796003

commentaires 5

  • Bryan Li

    Bryan Li


    Definitely the best Loblaws I have been in. Large selection, including some harder to find items you cannot get at Sobeys or Metro (this store definitely beats the other two which are all about a block from one another). Prices are higher than uptown but average for downtown - plenty of sales though to offset this. Large in house ACE bakery so bread is fresh. Good and clean butcher and fish market. Large charcuterie section and a literal fridge wall of fine cheeses. Not much of a wait for cashiers as long as you use the self-pay stations (there are many)

  • en

    Marc Bourgon


    Faux-luxury. Pay full price for half the service. Self-bag your groceries during regular daytime hours like poor saps. Think of the jobs Loblaws is saving on and the few hundred thousand dollars in a year. What a SHAM! I usually shop at Forest Hill St-Clair Loblaws and will keep doing so. It is truly a full-service store because in that 'hood Loblaws would never get away with this bag-your-own nonsense. I'll go to Superstore and Food Basics and pay less for my food if I'm going to bag my own, thanks. Also 1 in 10 items is missing a price. OVERRATED.

  • Steven Branco

    Steven Branco


    Probably one of the best grocery stores in town. Great location, massive, and has everything and anything you can think of. Hot food, frozen foods, fresh meats and fish, and the best selection of produce I have seen. Very clean, and has a great assortment of items both local and international products available.

  • Michael Di Paolo

    Michael Di Paolo


    This is a great Loblaws. It’s a really big store with a huge amount of selection. It also has a lot of prepared food, like sushi, pizzas, sandwiches and other stuff. The building itself is pretty cool, with a lot of history from the old Maple Leaf Gardens. My favourite thing about this location are the PC Cooking classes.

  • da

    Dylan Hiltz


    gr8 m8

Supermarché la plus proche

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