Livestock de Winnipeg




🕗 horaire

407, Graham Avenue, R3C 0L3, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 204-947-2664
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.891245, Longitude: -97.1477369

commentaires 5

  • Mazen Mahari

    Mazen Mahari


    Loved this place awesome selection! And the people who work there are awesome as well! Go check it out highly recommend by me.

  • Suraj Kanda

    Suraj Kanda


    Wow so cool, v nice. Good product and nice service. đŸ”„

  • en

    Japheth Regalado


    Selection used to be good back when it was on portage. This location is more parking accessible. Watched this shop downsize and cut back and decrease stock. Good for papers. #update# tub has officially decided to close down.

  • Lil Swim

    Lil Swim


    Dope store environment, chill staff, great product. The paint could be restocked a little more often, and a wider selection of colours couldn't hurt. Other than that though, super rad shop.

  • Jason Ward

    Jason Ward


    Small-ish selection, great quality clothes though. Also stock good quality paint, call to check stock. Lots of glass art, and tobacco accessories

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