Little Victories Coffee de Ottawa

CanadaLittle Victories Coffee



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801, Bank Street, K1S 3V7, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA CanadĂĄ
contact téléphone: +1 613-286-8647
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.402784, Longitude: -75.688067

commentaires 5

  • Laura Kelly

    Laura Kelly


    Favourite place to come for a cappuccino date with my girlfriends! Somehow each one is better than the last. If you find yourself in the Glebe, this should be your first stop. I would also suggest following LV on Instagram, because they frequently host community coffee-related events! A real gem in our little town.

  • Yoshuna



    I had a really good time here. Great coffee and really knowledgeable staff! Whoever was at cash that day make recommendations that were super helpful. I had the latte and the almond croissant. The pastry was flakey and perfectly sweet. The latte was served in a glass, and the latte art was very pretty and expertly done. Love the spacious, minimalist decor. It’s a clean and welcoming place. Spots fill up fast!

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    Nick Romain


    Arguably the best coffee I’ve ever had. The quality was like none other! The staff was so welcoming, I felt like a valued customer right when I walked in! I found my “go to”! P.s, The owner loves his customers!

  • Laura Holtz

    Laura Holtz


    I absolutely adore this little coffee shop. My boyfriend and I go out of our way from Hull to come have a cup of this amazing coffee. Definitely the best place to go in Ottawa. Service is always great. Staff is friendly and always happy to see you.

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    Nicole Pichette


    OMG. This coffee tastes like Jesus and Brad Pitt convened to make the perfect baby that is Little Victories Coffee. This place is a heavenly respite from the world where you can enjoy a silky latte and pet a dog. What more could you ever want? This coffee is undeniably what Oprah Winfrey would drink if she ever set foot in Ottawa. Don’t deny yourself gorgeous flavour any longer. My favourite coffee spot in the city!

Café la plus proche

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