L’intermarchĂ© de QuĂ©bec




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850, Rue Saint-Jean, G1R 1R3, Québec, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Québec, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 418-522-4889
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.81162, Longitude: -71.21668

commentaires 5

  • Camila Duval

    Camila Duval


    Il n'y a pas un vaste choix d'aliments. Par exemple, si tu cherche des compotes sans sucre ajoutĂ©, tu n'en trouvera pas. Les caisses ne sont pas dotĂ©es de tapis roulant alors pensez-y avant de faire une grosse Ă©picerie. Le prix des produits sont Ă©levĂ©. Je n'ai jamais vu de rabais sur l'alcool. Les 2 points les plus nĂ©gatifs: - À plusieurs reprises les viandes que j'ai achetĂ© Ă©taient pĂ©rimĂ©es. Plusieurs personnes de mon entourage ont constatĂ© la mĂȘme chose. - La propretĂ© des lieux laisse Ă  dĂ©sirer Point positif pour les fumeurs, le prix des produits de tabac sont bas.

  • Geoff Howes

    Geoff Howes


    Best supermarket in the area with cheep options. Good selection of basic items while the other supermarkets in the are are more organic, gourmet and expensive.

  • Rodolfo Vaz

    Rodolfo Vaz


    Supermercado não muito grande, mas onde se encontrar muita variedade. Frutas, verduras, frios, pães, bolachas, temperos, produtos para limpeza, congelados e uma pequena variedade itens de eletricidade e higiene pessoal. Perfeito para compras råpidas para quem estå na Quebec histórica (vieux Québec), pois é fåcil e possível ir e vir à pé pela curta distùncia. Normalmente desço no termo al D'Youville, compro algumas coisas no L'Intermarché e sigo à pé para casa (uns 400 metros na rua D'auteil). Bastante pråtico

  • Shawn McGoogan

    Shawn McGoogan


    It's got bread. And more! If you really need more than bread. Sometimes, bread just doesn't cut it. Toasted or not. Sometimes you kinda need more. Like milk for instance, but that's just an example. So, you're hungry right? And you're wondering where can a decent working person get something chewy? That's why you're here, right? On the internet, being hungry, hoping to download food. Sorry Sandra Bullock, this is not The Net. But GO THERE! There is FOOD! Like, a lot more than you can imagine eating in one sitting. For real! There is a lot of food. There is probably some left as we speak. (don't quote me on this) If I was hungry, I would...I don't know, go there and check it out. Unfortunately I have to deduct one star for the one time I went, and there was no more food. At all. That was really creepy.

  • en

    Kitten Asap


    Good enough selection. Picked out a bottle of wine on sale but it didn't register as such on my slip - sadly only noticed later. Not a great fish selection but it was just after Christmas. Convenient location.

Supermarché la plus proche

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